A summary of the articles you can read on our Faramugo blog.
Something about us or what is Faramugo?
Facts and myths. All about membranes in the outdoors
Build your own Nanomembrane® jacket with a unique design.
We're making repairs in Faramugo. We change zippers, tape up seams that have come unglued, etc.
Repairing glued seams involves a bit of alchemy...
Sometimes it's like a dog eating its own tail.
Lehocyklista Jirka Beran na cestě kolem světa
Travellers Míša Sirovátková and Radek Ernest
Radek létá v oblečení Faramugo
Monica and Javier, this is exotic Colombia and Ecuador.
About travelling around the world and around the world
Choosing a mattress for a good night's sleep in the great outdoors? Find advice here.