Your Czech mountain tailor
Your Czech mountain tailor
Česky   polski

About us

What will we be happy to do for you? We sew clothes and outdoor equipment at home in the Czech Republic. Not only for climbers, hikers, skiers, fishermen. For people moving outdoors. With the motto **FARAMUGO, YOUR CZECH MOUNTAIN TAILOR** or we sew for people, others sew for people.

Look at our work as very good, not perfect. Anything perfect prevents further development, is an obstacle in the way of continued creativity. Everything evolves. The universe, humanity and FARAMUGO. Which motivates us to work with constant change and respond to the rapid changes around us.

At Faramugo we are not a fan of seasonal collections. Every year a new model of jacket, bike or skis is nonsense. Last year's jacket works just as well as this year's. Sure, there's progress and innovation... but it's just not as fast-paced. And what does nature, manufacturers (the real ones, not repackaged "brands") or store staff have to say about this churning out of new collections? We don't play that game, it's unsustainable in the long run on planet Earth. For our products, we prioritize functionality and design over mere appearance. Design as a nice look and technical performance. That's why we offer a permanent collection that we are constantly innovating.
And a little proof that we go outdoors ourselves...
How can we help you? The blog offers many interesting and informative things. You will find products and a customized configurator on the shop. We can repair your clothes.

Introduction of the brand FARAMUGO

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