Your Czech mountain tailor
Your Czech mountain tailor
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Author's book V. Bures: Adventures in powder.

With a traveller and adventurer we will walk through the varied nature. Mountains and rivers, both intertwined in the book. We climb the Czech sandstone mountains, visit Corsica, the Alps, the Himalayas and the Pamirs. There are people everywhere, and people sometimes behave strangely in tense situations. In the mountains and on the water it is often about "the mushroom", as a lightening ingredient is mixed black humour with a subtle philosophical overlap. The book offers true stories, points out our foibles and offers tips for the record books. What's it like to be struck by lightning twice? Or being flushed twice? Nature admirers and hikers, climbers, paddlers. They know what it's all about and can compare. If you haven't explored this sphere of human activity, you'll see the curtain.

Take a look at some photos from the places that describe the stories in the book. For example, what about the expedition where we were the first ones on a remote 6,000-foot peak?

    Motivational video to promote the book.

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    A small sample of what you can read about.

    The first incident took place in Budapest, when Bohous and I slept in an otherwise empty compartment. Perhaps it was an ancestral instinct, maybe a skin rash or just a flea bite that woke Bohouš from a deep sleep. While I continued to sleep soundly, a rogue thief graced our compartment with his honest presence. He was a promoter of travelling light, for he was quick to relieve me of my superfluous burden, my kidney-bag with my passport and money. Bohouš, wearing only his socks (he also had a watch and other necessary accoutrements, enabling him to stay in polite company), assumed the role of pursuer of the villainous rogue and jumped straight from the steps of the carriage onto the man's back. The nocturnal villain heaved himself up, shook off Bohus, and, relieved of his unwelcome burden, disappeared into the darkness of the night. His socked feet made further pursuit impossible. They lacked non-slip spikes, and so Bohouš resembled a seal chasing a cheetah in every turn with his long pawing. Fortunately, the kidney remained in my possession and the Balkan journey continued and reached its destination.

    But you won't find this text in the book. It will be in the sequel, which is still in progress...